My hourly wage timer (the text that I can click on to pause while going on a break) isn't at the top of my screen today, but instead it's in the middle upper right corner of my work screen area. This makes it difficult to read the text because I keep needing to scroll up or down to view the sentences behind this timer while working. It's slowing my HIT time down. Any one else having this problem or know how to fix this?
Hi, the hourly wage timer appears to fit in the screen depending on what you're currently viewing on the page (another way to look at it is if you scroll down to look at the iframe, the wage tracker will follow you down). For example, if you're situated so you view the hit iframe but not the top of the mturk page (your scrollbar is not resting at the top), the wage tracker will sit itself inside the iframe in the upper right hand corner so you can still see it. Otherwise, if it were still at the top of the page, you wouldn't be able to see it until you scroll back up. So, to make your wage tracker stay at the top of the page, your scrollbar must be at the top so you can see the top of the mturk page. I hope that made sense
I just had an idea lol. Maybe if you can turn your monitor to be vertical it should always show the top of the mturk page and the timer should always stay there
Thanks. That does help... I think it also had to do with magnifying the page to read the text more clearly... Funny thing! I finally went to the eye doctor about a month ago so that I could read a monitor more clearly with out using the magnify option and I told him that's exactly why I need the glasses. The glasses help me see everything much better except the monitor! ARRGH!)