[Solved] Turkerview Profile Points Resetting Daily

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by dstanfield95, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. dstanfield95

    dstanfield95 New Turker


    I just bought the Turkerview API key, however, I am still having issues with my profile points resetting daily. I leave tons of reviews for almost every hit I submit, mostly just stats, about 3-4 times I leave comments on them.

    I ask about this because I like viewing the similar wages where you have to leave at least 50 reviews to gauge your workgroup, and I am always getting classified as "Careful" when I used to be Average to Fast during the free trial.

    I've sent emails to the help email, with no response so far. I understand the size of the platform and need to exhaust all alternatives, hence me posting here.

    Any suggestions for me?

    Thanks in advance!
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  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    This is my fault, I'm doing a lot of stuff to the backend database and will be continuing to do so for the next week or two and I'm doing this (kind of "on accident" but it's because I'm making changes to how it's calculated). As soon as I'm done I'm going to have it re-calculate everyone's stuff to be correct and then it'll stabilize from there. Sorry, you're not the only one it's happening to FWIW & it's semi related to:
    This is more to do with how new you are to MTurk than anything.. Only your submitted reviews are taken into account but since you're new there is a LOT more variance to your reviews, and it makes it less accurate day to day on where it's trying to peg you vs other workers.

    Mostly it's the various "penny" HITs you've submitted reviews for (Ben P, Turkmaster, Copytext, etc).. because the submitted hourlies were so low in comparison to older workers who do those HITs much quicker it's dragging down your comparison avgs.. again this is one of those things I'm trying to change because in test algorithms where it accounts for "skewed" results you're closer to the middle grouping than where you are now

    FWIW when it filters out the really skewed points (high & low) you are right around average (~-5% to -7.5% range, but right now all the pennies have it dragged down to -30% lol)

    Can you DM me the email address you sent the messages from? I haven't gotten an email from a person in a while so not sure if I've just missed this or my inbox is funky o_O It's 99% chance I missed it but I'd like to go find the email to see why :flail: Really sorry, thank you for posting this here though.
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  3. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Also FWIW I just pulled my changes here off the production server since I put up a test one last night so I can fiddle w/ bigger changes.. next time you review something your points should update & stick until I redo the changes so it wont reset all the time

    @TaeVon Lewis this applies to you as well I know you've noticed the points resetting / not being correct lol
  4. TaeVon Lewis

    TaeVon Lewis Turker

    Ahh, I see. Thanks for the update