Hi everyone, In the interests of trying to be a good requester, I'm considering suggesting to my boss that we invite MTurkers who finish our HITs to review them on TV. This would just be a simple link to our TV profile at the end of our survey - nothing invasive. We don't get a lot of feedback via email, which is the suggested point of contact. I'm thinking that workers might prefer it to emailing us (it has value for them, it might be more private, it's a more "normal" way of reviewing, etc). More feedback, even negative, would be appreciated from my end. I also know that a HIT being reviewed on TV has value for the community of workers who might see it, and that it might bring workers to the TV forum who haven't seen it before. Requesters - have you tried this before? How did you find it? And workers - how would you feel about being invited to review on TV? If any of you have time, I would really appreciate your input. Thankyou!
out of curiosity are your hits surveys or batches because that makes a difference on how often they get reviewed
https://turkerview.com/requesters/A3FCJX0FTFAB96-social-cognition-lab there seems to be a fair amount of reviews for y'all already
then you may get ore reviews by doing that I would be interested in seeing how that worked out for you @ChrisTurk may have some incite into this
Thanks! We do get a few already, which is awesome! But our HITs vary widely as we're a research lab, so I appreciate the reviews for each HIT. I can't make suggestions for changing individual surveys if I'm not sure what to change. Pay rate is another thing, and we're increasing base pay slightly and using bonusing for next HIT, but updated feedback is always good. I'd like to increase it a bit more, and I'll keep working on that with my boss.
Thankyou! I'll certainly share any insight I get. Part of me doesn't like the idea of asking workers to give us their feedback for free (that seems shady), but at least if reviews are made to TV the benefit from the review is to all workers, not just us.
Honestly, I think just a blurb at the end of a survey saying something like 'Don't forget to rate us on TV!' or something to that affect might help. Directly linking to TV wouldn't do much because we don't rate tasks from that page. I'm glad to hear you are increasing pay and I really appreciate that as somehow who enjoys most of the work that y'all put out.
In a world of really mediocre requesters who don't communicate; you're a treasure to us. Good luck and I'll try to send more people over here to try and see what they think.
Something on the end page of a survey, past the code that says: Optional: We Thank you for your Honest Feedback on [redacted] and TurkerView! Have a good day! is non-obtrusive and fine
Is it appropriate for a requester to use GIFs as a response? But in all seriousness: I wholeheartedly believe MTurk is a better place for everyone when we see each-other as people, not numbers or responses.
not necessarily, I for one don't mind going a little out of my way for a good requester plus don't think there is anyway to link reviews to worker ids it would discourage honest reviews
you know how companies send nickels in the mail so that you feel bad and donate? They could probably just have a click here to promise to review and get a ten cent bonus type thing at the end of the survey and people would do it
Hmm. I hear ya. I want honest feedback, though, and my gut feeling is that paying people for feedback would hurt the worker/requester relationship, and that forum.
Yeah I would fear the legitimacy of the responses if you paid for them. Plus a paid review always looks bad on amazon, why would it look any better here?