UPDATE: Thanks for all the interest!! At this point, we already have more responses than people we can interview during this phase of data collection. But this study is being conducted in multiple phases, so we'll be recruiting again in the near future. I'll be sure to let you know! -- Hi everyone, First time poster; hope this is okay! I’m a researcher at Cornell University, and I’m interested in learning more about people’s experiences with doing different types of HITs on MTurk. If you work on MTurk and live in the United States, I’d like to interview you, and I can compensate you $15 for your time. The interview is through a HIT on MTurk, which I can grant you a qualification to access. Interviews will last 60 minutes, and will be text-based and entirely anonymous. If you accept the HIT, you’ll be able to look through the consent form, and will be given a link to a secure online chatroom where the interview will take place. No identifying information will be collected. This study is approved by Cornell’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). If you’re interested in taking part, please send me a private message with your MTurk ID and how long you've been Turking for (I'm looking to talk to both new folks and experienced folks). quick edit: Please also let me know around what time usually works for you (during the day or evenings) so that we can schedule a convenient time for the interview, and I can grant you a qualification to access the HIT. Thank you!
welcome to TurkerHub! Just so folks know, the account is registered to a professor at Cornell, so this is legit I added flair to your account to help distinguish you as a req in case you need to grab more folks again at a later date
Perfect; thanks for doing that! If you're interested, I'd love to chat with a TurkerHub admin. Let me know!
Why I always miss such things? I love researches and studies! I wish I could take part I also think it's more relevant to make a survey about decision making during the pandemics when a lot of companies fire their employees in order to save money. And maybe I take it too personally but one of my friends got fired and I'm just mad! He's been working as a web developer for 8 years and I know he's done an amazing job. And now he needs to go again through all the procedures, interview thank you email, etc., etc. So I just don't think it's fair!