Title: A3O0QZQ4V2IXT7; VBAC COMPENSATION | PANDA Requester: Nichole H [A2C0UDHSVEQOV4] TurkerView: [ $10.69 / hour ] Description: N/A...
Title: Psychology Survey About Relationships(~ 30 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Keith Sanford [A1BNG5S2C5INHZ] TurkerView: [ $7.85 / hour ]...
Title: Academic Decision-making Study - < 2-3 mn - $0.10 | PANDA Requester: Decision-making study [A1PAF8AU9KIUD3] TurkerView: [ $13.98 /...
Title: Survey of your opinions (~8 min, $0.80 + bonus)(~ 8 minutes) | PANDA Requester: JEB Research [A9JZ20C26JH19] TurkerView: [ $10.91 /...
Title: Brand Association of Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) Study | PANDA Requester: Jinwook Chung [A2137E2XE1KEHM] TurkerView: [ $ / hour...
Title: Mobile only - Online browsing task and survey (~3-5 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Doraemon [A1YDJH5BBFH1Y6] TurkerView: [ $19.84 / hour...
Title: Survey on Mediation in War (approx. 2 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Tomoyuki Nakatsuka [A3VG5HOX4XXEB6] TurkerView: [ $6.21 / hour ]...
Title: Work Experience and Task Performance | PANDA Requester: Georgina [ASL232KXBMWH3] TurkerView: [ $8.95 / hour ] Description: You will...
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