Title: Shifting Workplace Dynamics(~ 30 minutes) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Hilary B Bergsieker [A2HVTXTOMFGW7R]...
This one was 9 minutes. Descriptive writing.
Finally caught it! And... I don't want it. :emoji_slight_frown:
It's a cruel irony that I can't manage to catch that Overweight Workers hit. :emoji_thinking:
Now, if they'll only add a few more topics that would be great.
It did look mighty refreshing. :emoji_tropical_drink:
Hello TurkHub! I signed up for TurkerView and not the SuperSecretScriptofDoom swear to all the Turk gods. :emoji_raised_hand:
Separate names with a comma.