Title: Participate in a decision-making experiment | Accept Requester: HanH [A3J1NUW16TK3AR]...
T Graeber http://ns4t.net/a1a-1 • 10min Study: $0.5 Reward + $1 Bonus for Completion + Chance to Win Bonus of up to $50 http://ns4t.net/BmKjZ •...
Forgot how to add links . It's been a while https://worker.mturk.com/projects/39VNNFFKK73IECEMQNAUIVVJ7D1VX0/tasks
Title: Family Planning Survey(~ 5 minutes) | Accept Requester: Hal Hershfield [A3N9P4VPHUDPX1]...
is MyLikes gone, or am I just unable to find them?
Separate names with a comma.