Title: Participate in a land classification study (Up to $0.40 bonus for accuracy) | PANDA Requester: ROI Habitat Protection [A2H8JC8QM1LUHO]...
Title: Compose a Short Story ($4.00 / 20 minutes) - Part 1/2 | PANDA Requester: Patrick Crain [A2T65YE1HL3NPT] TurkerView: [ $20.65 / hour ]...
Title: Answer a survey about this apparel synthesis | PANDA Requester: Kok Ting Han, Daniel [A1EDX76RCFL585] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Thoughts on Poetry: A Fuzzy Fellow Without Feet | PANDA Requester: Aimee Knupsky [A2W8Z2D1KUXCFW] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Write what you would say in the given situation | PANDA Requester: Matthew Goldman [A3OF77TLUPRRQJ] TurkerView: [ $3.27 / hour ]...
Title: Chat about restaurant info -- $0.15 bonus if you complete whole task | PANDA Requester: zhou yu [A6G2I6O4317JD] TurkerView: [ $8.98 /...
Title: Play A Game (whole HIT around 8-10 minutes)(~ 10 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Ed O'Brien [A2B806W3Y8350I] TurkerView: [ $17.38 / hour ]...
Title: 20 Minute Social Science Research Survey (~ 20 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Brian Lucas [AE9LM6W08FFNV] TurkerView: [ $14.32 / hour ]...
Title: Answer a survey about your experience in working for a FAMILY FIRM [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Mark Lammers...
Title: Work Simulation - interesting and easy!(~ 5 minutes) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: EMA [A3Q9QB2NTJPS1]...
Title: Complete an experiment about charitable donations [ caret-down $6.26 | caret-up $6.26 ] PANDA Requester: Teodora Vasilescu...
Separate names with a comma.