Title: Extract purchased items from a shopping receipt (3-5 items) | PANDA Requester: ScoutIt [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.88 / hour ]...
Title: Make predictions about political events $16. (~ 120 minutes) | PANDA Requester: SurveyComet [A3NC2P2SPK9QQ] TurkerView: [ $20.56 /...
Title: Credibility of online reviews of doctors | PANDA Requester: Chantal Heise [A3DDGHR5DAI9KZ] TurkerView: [ $78.67 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Write a 500-Word High Quality Article on a Specified Topic | PANDA Requester: David Matchett [A2S7AIIXXY3CT] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Audio event annotation 1 | PANDA Requester: silane [AJQ10HFL38FQI] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Describe what is sounding...
Title: Record 10 videos of a person performing different actions at your front door. | PANDA Requester: 20bn [A12M8Y27IW05FA] TurkerView: [...
Title: Language Identification and Discussion Analysis | PANDA Requester: Aaron Harwood [A1XLDW1LKWQ27I] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Extract purchased items from a shopping receipt | PANDA Requester: ScoutIt [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.88 / hour ] Description:...
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