Title: Find organization, personal, location and job title names in business news articles (Computer required) | PANDA Requester: vainu...
New Requester Profile! Ellie Scicchitano [A1FCVQJGTGRDF3] Research Project: Views on Parenthood - $0.02 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid...
Title: Survey on Decision Behavior | PANDA Requester: Armando Schär [A1P9MZKR1UI9EK] TurkerView: [ $15.00 / hour ] Description: Please...
Title: Market Research Survey | PANDA Requester: James Billings [A3VTXG9MRA65HP] TurkerView: [ $1.92 / hour ] Description: Attempt to...
Thanks Ornac, i'll remember your advices for the next time. Never more to do many tasks of dubious requesters. Hi PerseidsGirl, i still waiting...
Title: Collect data and images about youtube artists | PANDA Requester: Michelle [A20PDVJPFZ50KR] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: We...
Title: Get ☎ Number From Web Page | PANDA Requester: DMS AWS [A3K5TM7MNFEJ5W] TurkerView: [ $2.79 / hour ] Description: Review the given...
Hello everyone, i'm new here and in advance i apologize for my level of english. I have been doing MTurk for about 3 weeks and until yesterday...
Title: Verify a single value from a receipt | PANDA Requester: 411Richmond [A38RXMI7DFPL8G] TurkerView: [ $3.05 / hour ] Description:...
Separate names with a comma.