Title: Beliefs & Support-Seeking [ caret-down $2.86 | caret-up $2.86 ] PANDA Requester: Arizona State University Social Relationships Lab...
Title: INVITE_Impression of Module and Article on Various Topics(~ 15 minutes) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Eva...
Title: What do you think of this person? Watch a video and answer a short survey! [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester:...
Title: Survey: 0.84 dollars for answering a 1.5 minutes survey about email behavior. Automatic qualification. [ caret-down $23.81 | caret-up...
ohhhhhh! Thank you! Now I know how I posted! (and also, I was wondering what that little square did, and now I know that too!) :) Much appreciated!
I have no idea how this posted on the forum - I just installed the script and have reported 2 hits, but not this one! That one shows in my HITS...
wrong post
Title: Extended Caregiver Survey(~ 30 minutes) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Elizabeth E. Osmond [A2BP2MZJ5QG9W6]...
Title: Identify Android apps [ caret-down $7.61 | caret-up $60.00 ] PANDA Requester: International Computer Science Institute [A1W4A20UXRVVNH]...
Separate names with a comma.