What are you using that shows the Pending Approval Time?
Been on a bit of a vacation for a few days so haven't earned much but decided to pop in to share this ^_^ And this since I forgot to share 2...
For this one it says "Write the description below", what did you put? The review you made in the store, the app's description on the store page,...
Here you guys go! First person to claim gets $1, be sure to reply that you got it so others know :P https://smile.amazon.com/gc/redeem [img]
TFW when you say you are gonna give away your gift card code to the first person who gets it and not one person rates or replies to the post [IMG]
You know what, I feel like giving back since honestly I wouldn't have found that hit if it wasn't for this site. If I'm allowed to, I'll post the...
The link is just the page you enter the code, doesn't contain the actual code
[img] :emoji_joy:
Nope, neither of those.
I just keep getting "An error occurred. Please refresh the current page in your browser." in the HIT frame
Separate names with a comma.