Title: Identify events in news articles [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Haoling Qiu [A1AFURX40TIFMG] TurkerView: [...
Title: Bathroom Quality Classification [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Perch MTurk Requester [A1759LVR8D91KE]...
Title: Goals and Alternatives (creative) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: xlab research [A3IN1JY2L1NKWL] TurkerView:...
Title: Goals and Solutions [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: xlab research [A3IN1JY2L1NKWL] TurkerView: [ $21.80 /...
Title: Identify causal relations or temporal relations in news articles [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Haoling Qiu...
Title: Find a Room and Object in a Virtual Building [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Australian Centre for Robotic...
Title: Take a MCQ based test [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: SteveAM [A1UT0LSYUCRHA1] TurkerView: [ $11.88 / hour ]...
Title: Choose hygiene level for kitchen image [ caret-down $1.53 | caret-up $1.53 ] PANDA Requester: Zixuan Meng [A1H5XJLRK0X5JH] TurkerView:...
Title: Query generation (EN) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: SNIPS [A2YTQTCXVDV7BG] TurkerView: [ $15.41 / hour ]...
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