Title: Play a cooperative grid world game with a partner [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Noah Turk [A19ZZCVW0X6893]...
Title: Label a sentence pair! [ caret-down $10.29 | caret-up $10.29 ] PANDA Requester: Noah [A1GZULXPTPEB8R] TurkerView: [ $16.67 / hour ]...
Title: Select identifiers for a displayed product (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised.) [ caret-down...
Title: Answer a survey about your opinions. [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Account [AK337218MNX2X] TurkerView: [ $...
Separate names with a comma.