Welp, I spoke too soon. I just got back from my shower and they suspended my account yet again. I'm hoping this is in error and that the...
Thanks! Don't know how I never saw that before. That is very handy for posting reviews, but is there a way to generate a link through that to...
PickFu [AI2HRFAYYSAW7] 1 open-ended question - $0.14 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display: flex; align-items:...
Mohammad Alian Nejadi [A1XE8EGTKOCTA] How to ask questions to clarify a search? - $1.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding:...
Might be a dumb question and probably not the right place to ask this but I'm apparently not good at using the search function. But how does...
Good morning all! My account was suspended yesterday... and today they reversed it! So glad to even be earning the weekend slow pennies. Hope...
Was having a normal slow Friday then all the sudden BOOM, my account got suspended for suspicious activity. Regular amazon account is locked too...
Hey everyone, nice to meet you all! I've lurked forums for a while but now it's time to dive in. I love turking, been at it a while, but always...
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