Title: Type the highlighted numbers shown in the image. | PANDA Requester: Ben Baker [A1TLEWHOUR6L75] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description:...
Title: Container Gardening Product Questionnaire - $0.20 HIT (5 Minute Survey) | PANDA Requester: Keaton Sieve [A1DTF77HXLY9T5] TurkerView: [...
Title: Take Photos of Honeydew Melon In Your Kitchen or at a Grocery Store | PANDA Requester: Kiara St. Cyr [A18LKTK4SKWPX6] TurkerView: [ $...
Title: Select matching item Class and Type - General Contents - Batch ID #29341 | PANDA Requester: str11223344 [A2SP2PSX99L7Q9] TurkerView: [...
Separate names with a comma.