Title: Upload 4-minute screencast of a MOBILE website | PANDA Requester: UserBob [A1G1PATDFBA7E5] TurkerView: [ $13.84 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Pose to Text (New Running Bonus and Bonus per every High Quality HIT) | PANDA Requester: Applebee [A3KBLEJCP5TD3N] TurkerView: [ $ /...
Title: Hierarchical Model of PTSD in a Non-Clinical Population 2 | PANDA Requester: Michael Kreminski [A3FQHN0RAFGPVQ] TurkerView: [ $48.76 /...
Title: Online Medical Services and Social Media Survey | PANDA Requester: Anthony peters [A31W78V97F33G0] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Safe Exploration Task | PANDA Requester: Yanan Sui [A527DQWP0MVC8] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Safely explore an unknown...
Title: pre-screening survey (3min) - $1.50 bonus for qualifiers!(~ 3 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Amanda Ellison [A3DVF2NNOCAKV1] TurkerView:...
Title: Are these sentences relevant to the given topic? | PANDA Requester: Fabian Langer [A1Q67B1XELAZ8R] TurkerView: [ $6.29 / hour ]...
Separate names with a comma.