Title: Read a health news story and write a review. | Accept Requester: Brandon [A2J3RSAH8TUDCL]...
Title: Memory, Cognitive Abilities, and Imagination(~ 45 minutes) | Accept Requester: Memory Consortium [A1U8L6U4NJ51RM]...
The urban heat island effect. Source: this is what my master's thesis is about.
I got a $5 bonus on this one. Title: Group Decision Making Task: Earn up to $55.00 in bonus. | Accept Requester: Kyle Hyndman [A1LCN3CYUO9G4D]...
Title: User engagement with an online stress management tool | Accept Requester: IasedTechLab [A22Y5ITIQFA6CP]...
Title: Personality & Relationships | Accept Requester: Emily Sorem [APGTN9V9N4MVF]...
Title: Consumers' Opinions About an Organization's Charitable Campaign | Accept Requester: Soyoung Joo [A3MN8V4HMW6P3D]...
Separate names with a comma.