Title: Play a character in a room of a text adventure game [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Noah Turk [A162JSVY4FHKAM]...
Title: US English Text-to-Speech evaluation [ caret-down $4.26 | caret-up $4.76 ] PANDA Requester: Barry Paschali [A28TG3DFRFXOIM] TurkerView:...
Title: Determine how likely a claim is to be true or false [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Ellie Pavlick...
Title: Short Psychology study about your opinions [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: GH Lab [A18C49QBMMY7VJ] TurkerView:...
Title: Summarize and write three key points made in the provided article [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: SEO...
Title: Classify Spanish word pairs for semantic similarity [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Tyler Klement...
Separate names with a comma.