Title: Caregiving during COVID-19 | PANDA Requester: Molly Greaney [A3J82IV62UFXYF] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Share with us...
Yep, got me too. I'm not a newbie with crypto so his rejection was total bs. Sent a message politely asking for clarification and a dismissal of...
Title: Search Results Survey, REQUIRES SMARTPHONE | PANDA Requester: AQ Surveys [A1W6N0XR97E0Q4] TurkerView: [ $17.32 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Consumer Preferences Survey for Giveaways | PANDA Requester: Kevin Shih [A3C4WE494YYRUN] TurkerView: [ $19.31 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Compensation HIT - Virginia Tech CS : Group 1 | PANDA Requester: Virginia Tech Computer Science [AHRE4YDVZILKU] TurkerView: [ $16.28 /...
Title: Interesting/Quick Questions -- 1g(~ 3 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Matthew Fisher [A2A9OFCBTPCZL3] TurkerView: [ $10.52 / hour ]...
Title: Life Choices Survey | PANDA Requester: Angela Listy [A1M2H0HAEXONBY] TurkerView: [ $9.14 / hour ] Description: Answer a survey...
Title: v0429 - Labeling satisfaction and politeness in the text | PANDA Requester: Penguin [A1LGST8HXORKP3] TurkerView: [ $0.97 / hour ]...
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