Title: Image categorization | PANDA Requester: MLDataLabeler [A1LWCCSJWAGBW] TurkerView: [ $15.07 / hour ] Description: Categorize images...
Title: Curate Computer Art - Identify | PANDA Requester: Andrew Hanson [A2Z750Q90T2Q9C] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Pick an image...
Title: Quick survey | PANDA Requester: RC [A15QKOL8Y97REK] TurkerView: [ $22.31 / hour ] Description: - Duration: 60 Min Available: 108...
Title: Find Farmers Contact Info | PANDA Requester: Jade Samadi [A1DC6O482WHQMY] TurkerView: [ $2.40 / hour ] Description: Find names,...
Title: Pinterest - Determine the topical relatedness between pieces of text | PANDA Requester: Pinterest [AURHK491L2LH6] TurkerView: [ $22.22...
Title: Find the address for these vacation home listings - 684 - Kauai HI | PANDA Requester: VacationrentalAPI [A2QKOWG2NKRJ2K] TurkerView: [...
Title: 2019_07_09_ahe_fr_fr_voxtest_mturk | PANDA Requester: Amazon Requester Inc. - RVD Team [A116XPE56JVGXQ] TurkerView: [ $14.26 / hour ]...
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