Title: Judging Faces | PANDA Requester: Peter E Mende-Siedlecki [A2KYE7EDH884YK] TurkerView: [ $10.99 / hour ] Description: Rate a series...
Title: Qualifying HIT for Bounding Box Tasks - Bonus up to $2.00 Depending on Performance! | PANDA Requester: MLDataLabeler [A1W8Z523C1G18D]...
I feel this is pretty accurate based on my time living here so far. Unfortunately my income is pretty minimal, a large portion is mturk...
Funny that you said this. I moved to Maine about 7 months ago and now I'm looking for a way out, unfortunately.
Glad to hear you got a quick response. Hopefully your suspension gets resolve quickly.
Happy to see Sunday is back for weekly reports: Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk, The following is a summary of activity for your Mechanical...
Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk, The following is a summary of activity for your Mechanical Turk account for the week ending May 19, 2018....
Title: (Qualified workers only) Fun for Plant Lovers - Place a bounding box around crops and weeds [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA...
Yeah there was a bit too many arbitrary rules going on there and I was second guessing myself, oh well.
Of course I have a 76 on the Rowan qual. That's what I get for doing it yesterday when I was about to fall asleep..lol
Good Morning. At least I woke up in time to finish my Mad Labs lol. Also is anyone else still waiting for deposits from their Amazon Payments...
Good morning guys! I keep waking up as my Mad Labs is expiring the past week. Kinda sucks to have it expire as I'm working on it. I guess I need...
Thanks Zoltar https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwxvrXgsEhWj1RkDxcfI8dg?v=trmEmrvTHiI
Nah, I knew all those A9s would pay off one day lol...
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