Title: Answer a survey about getting needed healthcare and medications (CORRECTED) | PANDA Requester: Jenny Beal [A3M6VPLUD6U5TT] TurkerView:...
Title: Daily Decision | PANDA Requester: Insight Collector [ATED2DLBTD3Y1] TurkerView: [ $4.26 / hour ] Description: Short research...
Title: Understanding consumers and consumer decision making (2 studies) | PANDA Requester: Hello [AYLLRYO9VONM2] TurkerView: [ $3.00 / hour ]...
Title: Academic study about product reviews (MUST NOT USE MOBILE DEVICE) | PANDA Requester: Ann Kronrod [A193J8I0NUJLAJ] TurkerView: [ $17.14...
Title: Type the text from the images, carefully. Productivity and bonuses guaranteed. | PANDA Requester: CopyText Inc. [A1CKEISKSOZ5HD]...
Title: Workplace Experiences Study Part 1(~ 15 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Juliana [AQGZAPJ1BO9XS] TurkerView: [ $13.25 / hour ]...
Title: 15 Minute Survey on Relationships between Men and Women(~ 15 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Gordon Hodson [A32JWRUQG44A6G] TurkerView: [...
Title: Find city in document | PANDA Requester: Martin Fredriksson [A36PE75QWXRPJ9] TurkerView: [ $0.73 / hour ] Description: Locate city...
Title: Qualifying HIT for Bounding Box Tasks - Bonus up to $2.00 Depending on Performance! | PANDA Requester: MLDataLabeler [A1W8Z523C1G18D]...
Separate names with a comma.