Title: Me Time | PANDA Requester: remesh [A32BFAN07OQKZN] TurkerView: [ $13.15 / hour ] Description: A 20 minute Remesh conversation about...
Title: Improving your skills | PANDA Requester: remesh [A32BFAN07OQKZN] TurkerView: [ $13.15 / hour ] Description: A 20 minute Remesh...
Title: Yes or No | PANDA Requester: lisha [A1D7WU5600UQYN] TurkerView: [ $12.00 / hour ] Description: Make sure there is no object (brush,...
Tripsa needed the extra work. :emoji_smile: Rearrange 10 days worth of posts from a troll post. lol
Side note - 5/20 isn't locked on the list.
Sheesh did C-Sats pass out some blocks today or something? I did them earlier and now my Panda just shows purple...
My unicorn killer. 62,490 approved.... 1 rejection
Kronenberger Rosenfeld [A3DIHYT4IYG29P] Survey About Purchases - $5.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display:...
Groups Lab UMD [A25JJDL8I9MNU9] A survey about your perceptions of individuals - $2.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding:...
When one already has a ceremonial turkey blood pool, one must find a use for it.
My unicorn lives! Andy didn't reject mine on a 3 minute submission!
He keeps telling me that not being a "unicorn" is bad. I never work on those HITs anyways. It is bound to happen eventually. First rejection after...
Separate names with a comma.