Title: 15 minute survey for $1.50 + possibility of bonus payments - PLEASE TAKE ONLY ONCE(~ 15 minutes) | PANDA Requester: The Wharton School...
Title: Survey on sexual desire (~ 20 minutes) | PANDA Requester: PsychLab [A39I1H081FXAIR] TurkerView: [ $8.48 / hour ] Description: survey...
Title: $1.00 for 7-min INVITE-ONLY survey - Identity and Social Perceptions Study 2 | PANDA Requester: SCM Lab [A1TWQNJP6BV9QP] TurkerView: [...
Title: Short survey about an individual's opinion | PANDA Requester: pknu [A1HMLIVV7KZLIO] TurkerView: [ $14.01 / hour ] Description: Give...
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