Title: Find email addresses for attorneys | PANDA Requester: Gerry Gorman [A1PZCAZLCQLH6U] TurkerView: [ $14.03 / hour ] Description: Given...
Title: Write the words shown in an image (document) Do not have to write too many words | PANDA Requester: HYUNSUK CHUNG [AXO5RETUJMMUP]...
Title: Find email addresses for campaigns | PANDA Requester: Sales Marketing Ops [AW4T76OWHZL89] TurkerView: [ $8.53 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Trace Object Boundaries | PANDA Requester: Computer Vision Turk [A1BEQYW3DRR3BR] TurkerView: [ $9.31 / hour ] Description: See...
Title: Clean Up How-To Questions | PANDA Requester: Content Research [A23UQ2KZH7FOZG] TurkerView: [ $13.47 / hour ] Description: View a...
Title: Describe target object in the bounding box with red contour | PANDA Requester: Sofia Huang [A1B7E00OIEKMLU] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Task 3.0 Find Portfolio Company Website [Deals Backfill Prod] | PANDA Requester: Darren Thorpe [A3J9DW4MDUAE7C] TurkerView: [ $4.60 /...
Title: Clean Up How-To Questions | PANDA Requester: Content Research [A23UQ2KZH7FOZG] TurkerView: [ $14.00 / hour ] Description: View a...
Title: Create a piece of art! | PANDA Requester: Research Tasks [A1CEBF7WRZ74YK] TurkerView: [ $14.33 / hour ] Description: Add strokes to...
Title: Widersprüche entdecken | PANDA Requester: Tabea Reiner [AK5JTJL3HP4MK] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Finden Sie alle...
Title: Answer a survey about some popular brand marketing campaigns | PANDA Requester: Bolinc [A1N11HE4ENIPKW] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Umorismo6 | PANDA Requester: piersanti maurizio [A1Y3UMT335GSAO] TurkerView: [ $51.82 / hour ] Description: Inserisci voti da 0 a 10...
Title: Transcription from audio | PANDA Requester: Transcribe This [A5QQWO2U81GM6] TurkerView: [ $11.08 / hour ] Description: Listen to a...
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