Title: Earn and Learn (Decision-Making Game | ~7 minutes | Keyboard required) | PANDA Requester: HINL [A372VF8C4PEU98] TurkerView: [ $14.04 /...
Title: Extract summary information from 24 shopping receipts (Phone Number) | PANDA Requester: Panel [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.98 /...
Title: Survey - 10 multiple choice questions for owners of online shops | PANDA Requester: Johanna Toro [A1UZFYJBJN4MWK] TurkerView: [ $3.73...
Title: Extract summary information from 24 shopping receipts (Phone Number) | PANDA Requester: Panel [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.99 /...
Title: Objects/Person Recognition in Scene1 | PANDA Requester: Bonner Lab [A15BG0W59163JQ] TurkerView: [ $8.89 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Extract summary information from 24 shopping receipts (# of Items) | PANDA Requester: Panel [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.98 /...
Title: Quick demographic survey. With an opportunity to participate in future studies | PANDA Requester: jordan mansell [A3UGQ0EZW7GFOD]...
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