Title: Find the matching product | PANDA Requester: PP Developer [ACR9MFOYVLI6N] TurkerView: [ $12.00 / hour ] Description: Which of the...
Title: Logo Evaluation (approx. 5-10 min.) | PANDA Requester: Retolito [A25J7W39KYPBQG] TurkerView: [ $13.27 / hour ] Description: Logo...
Impactstory team [A34MJ5ATWO4JEI] Unpaywall Precision - Decide if a link provides a free, full copy of an article. - $0.10 | PANDA style="border:...
LBC Mechanical Turk [A1YU4YZP4ASF6M] Choose the Objects in the Drawing - $0.01 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0;...
usc [A3JVI4OT834NR3] Short Consumer Survey(~ 1 minutes) - $0.10 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display: flex;...
chris.lab111 [AGRY5NHZLU4PI] This is a compensation HIT for qualified workers. - $0.28 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding:...
Johanna Toro [A1UZFYJBJN4MWK] Survey - 7 open-ended questions about various topics. $1 performance bonus oppty - $0.20 | PANDA style="border:...
Drake [A1BCRHWLHIGR95] Family Feud - $0.05 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display: flex; align-items: center;...
Tanesha Walker [A22X90RDPA0TSJ] Short survey about race - $0.01 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display: flex;...
salathegroup [A3Q8AY8RFTGCV1] Answer questions about a tweet - $0.05 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display:...
Alessandro [A2GF0GIXGI9VKH] Classification of a short sentence about fashion (mouse is needed) 20 seconds per HIT - $0.04 | PANDA style="border:...
Marcel [A1QY6NF2V0OXFD] Emotional Response to Videos - $0.03 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display: flex;...
Brex [A2WJNZ89TQ8VK2] Identify this business (7 cent bonus for matched answer!) - $0.03 $0.07 bonus | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent;...
Kellogg Kteily Lab [A8VNY3KPRHHRC] Intergroup Dynamics Study STU00207794(~ 60 minutes) - $6.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent;...
manohar reddy [A18IQEZ39MW60D] Does this image contain any wildlife item? - $0.01 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0;...
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