Title: Memorize the visual details of objects!-The second part. (Psychology Experiment, 40 min) | PANDA Requester: Cognitive Control...
Title: Answer a survey about your job as Self-Employed | PANDA Requester: SUSANA SANTOS [AWWPILKTFAGVP] TurkerView: [ $62.37 / hour ]...
Title: Transcribe Approximately 12-Minute Audio File [CAM 190831-3] | PANDA Requester: PR Brigade [A3CFR5JHIC6U80] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Transcribe Approximately 12-Minute Audio File [D23 190831-7] | PANDA Requester: PR Brigade [A3CFR5JHIC6U80] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: *UPDATED* Summarize and write three key points made in the provided article | PANDA Requester: SEO BrainTrust [A2YCKB6NJXL2AN]...
Title: Survey about your impressions of select web/mobile platforms (~ 20 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Taylor Chin [A2UJHV6B6WNAEZ] TurkerView:...
Title: Word Relationship Data Collection (Important Update! - 5 mins) | PANDA Requester: Haijun Xia [A3UO4XBEDXWA3H] TurkerView: [ $6.99 /...
Title: You need to know Spanish to complete the task!(~ 15 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Karina Tachihara [A4W64EDJG7EDF] TurkerView: [ $18.62...
Title: Person reference resolution in dialogues part 1 (expected time 6-8 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Multimodal Data [A256YM86X9C16S]...
Title: Simple transcription from image (~1 minute) | PANDA Requester: Q OCR [AUDONOWOXEHA3] TurkerView: [ $1.29 / hour ] Description: Use...
Title: Transcribe data | PANDA Requester: p9r [A3HV8QI42N179B] TurkerView: [ $2.31 / hour ] Description: Please transcribe the data from...
Title: Transcribe up to 35 Seconds of Media to Text - Earn up to $0.17 per HIT!! | PANDA Requester: Crowdsurf Support [AKEBQYX32KM19]...
Separate names with a comma.