Title: Find the IMDb page for this title | PANDA Requester: Stephen Follows [A2JLCC63G732MJ] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Find the...
Title: Survey about consumer choice (approx. 6 mins). | PANDA Requester: Marketing Lab [AMQ1L1560V038] TurkerView: [ $10.27 / hour ]...
Title: Play a shopping game with a Real Person | PANDA Requester: Amazon Requester Inc. - ‘CvBln’ [AMJL0K5MP2XGK] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Error in MIRO Robot's Emotions! | PANDA Requester: Kerstin Dautenhahn [A1EH3ZV7HMQCS3] TurkerView: [ $11.19 / hour ] Description:...
Title: 5-minute survey for NBA fans with potential for bonus(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA Requester: The Wharton School [ABIUW8FBC3EE7] TurkerView:...
Title: Academic survey pays $0.25 for a 2-3 minute study(~ 2 minutes) | PANDA Requester: UPenn Researcher [A2M70XENI0CWIR] TurkerView: [...
Title: Classify the following image | PANDA Requester: MLDataLabeler [A1LWCCSJWAGBW] TurkerView: [ $13.72 / hour ] Description: Classify...
Ian Ayres, Yale Law School [A1MC4YRJ1XE708] Short Academic Survey - $3.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display:...
New Requester Profile! May Jay [A3PQPXQ248S6RV] Answer a 5-minute survey about dietary choices - $1.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid...
Carlina [A23PHZ2ANL25V7] Short survey about online content perceptions - $0.50 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0;...
New Requester Profile! Oscar Ryan [ALPGBRA0XPR8G] (MALES ONLY) Instagram Usage, Exercise and Body Attractiveness Survey - only iPhone Users will...
Title: Table data search [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: UOregon mTurk #1285517 [A1S6ESQH3Z9U23] TurkerView: [...
Title: Quick Survey About Professional Development(~ 5 minutes) [ caret-down $15.75 | caret-up $18.53 ] PANDA Requester: YCCI [A3RAU1TKHW84PN]...
Title: Decide if two documents describe the same research article. [ caret-down $9.00 | caret-up $13.17 ] PANDA Requester: Impactstory team...
Title: Answer an academic survey about behavior perception [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Diana Orghian...
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