Title: Verify a single value from a receipt | PANDA Requester: 411Richmond [A38RXMI7DFPL8G] TurkerView: [ $3.09 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Identify if two receipts are the same | PANDA Requester: ScoutIt [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.87 / hour ] Description: Looking...
Title: Are these receipts the same? | PANDA Requester: Ibotta Turk [AGVV5AWLJY7H2] TurkerView: [ $7.46 / hour ] Description: Tell us if two...
Title: Extract purchased items from a shopping receipt (3-5 items) | PANDA Requester: ScoutIt [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.87 / hour ]...
Separate names with a comma.