Title: Content Preservation Evaluation | PANDA Requester: Chuan Yue [A2D0X5JXRUI6YF] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Estimate the...
Title: Transcription from audio | PANDA Requester: Transcribe This [A5QQWO2U81GM6] TurkerView: [ $10.28 / hour ] Description: Listen to a 4...
Title: Online experiment in Psychology | PANDA Requester: zzz Lab [A2D8GTKBK55Y6D] TurkerView: [ $12.85 / hour ] Description: Win Real...
hey everyone
Hi, hello everyone. Has anyone ever completed Dell's Sentiment analysis? What did you think of it?
Title: Study on Hiring Decisions in Organizations(~ 60 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Behavioral Research [A2UX6285R5JW62] TurkerView: [ $16.53...
Title: Bonus Payment for "Perceptions of Daily Life"(~ 1 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Cornell University Research [A2OKMNZZYFJPO7] TurkerView:...
Title: Alien Word Spelling | PANDA Requester: DEC_exp_phonology [A3MUJ7S9F77C0H] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Rate how well the...
Title: Kingston High School - Evaluation Invite | PANDA Requester: Kingston High School [A25ZWDYV0Q6SQD] TurkerView: [ $8.70 / hour ]...
Title: Extract purchased items from a shopping receipt (1-2 items) | PANDA Requester: Panel [A3RRY7BIF8JDCS] TurkerView: [ $1.70 / hour ]...
Title: Answer 2 questions about posthumous organ donation | PANDA Requester: Yoo Jung Oh [AGJDDUYXVGB5] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ]...
Title: Ask complementary (second) question about text in image | PANDA Requester: Noah [A1GZULXPTPEB8R] TurkerView: [ $17.02 / hour ]...
Separate names with a comma.