Title: Reaction to another person and the person's work(~ 10 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Tali Kapadia [A2XAE9FRXIDB5E] TurkerView: [ $19.48 /...
Title: Segment a Textbook Page | PANDA Requester: Mechanical Turk [A10VPO4Z6IQ62H] TurkerView: [ $ / hour ] Description: Draw bounding...
Title: Select the option that you would prefer | PANDA Requester: Cocosci Lab at UC Berkeley [A3FQ9QUDYSJD17] TurkerView: [ $19.03 / hour ]...
Title: Check if our robot is right for right reasons (Main) | PANDA Requester: HI-Research [A2Y8KDPWV85C53] TurkerView: [ $19.33 / hour ]...
Title: Call Quality Assessment | PANDA Requester: IC3 AI team [A2SAUCU1B6BDTS] TurkerView: [ $24.29 / hour ] Description: Listen to real...
Title: 30-day scientific study on iOS devices - Earn up to $34.75 | PANDA Requester: Systems Security Lab, University of Oxford [A48QYRN2FC3NX]...
Title: Interact with a smart voice assistant and tell us about your experience | PANDA Requester: Anouk Bergner [A24YJWRDXL1TX4] TurkerView:...
Title: Spot The Label | 10-30 Mins | PANDA Requester: User Surveys [A2RCMW9T6NFW32] TurkerView: [ $10.21 / hour ] Description: - Duration:...
Title: Conversation Game! ($2.00 for ~10min) (~ 10 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Alison Wood Brooks [A1FB60A1VYS2AJ] TurkerView: [ $13.69 /...
Title: NATIVE JAPANESE SPEAKERS: Make 45 short recordings (20200311_ja) | PANDA Requester: Acme Data Collection [A3A1AJ4RPLTOLY] TurkerView:...
Title: Answer questions about objects in the yellow bounded box within each image | PANDA Requester: Noah Turk [A1U0RB1B8NL5Z2] TurkerView: [...
Title: Reading Ability Test- Qualified Only | PANDA Requester: Personnel Research [A3296E7VKR0XRU] TurkerView: [ $9.84 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Pindrop Speakers Campaign 2020 | PANDA Requester: Pindrop Security [A1BTZJCOJPKRO1] TurkerView: [ $35.97 / hour ] Description:...
Title: Beat the AI | Reading Comprehension | PANDA Requester: Pontus Lars Erik SAITO STENETORP [A1JB1AAT516QTV] TurkerView: [ $9.53 / hour ]...
Title: [NEW BATCH] Trace Object Boundaries | PANDA Requester: Computer Vision Turk [A1BEQYW3DRR3BR] TurkerView: [ $9.20 / hour ]...
Separate names with a comma.