Title: Find organization, personal, location and job title names in business news articles (Computer required) | PANDA Requester: vainu...
Title: Business Card Transcription | PANDA Requester: FullContact [A3QE67P6HAD0X3] TurkerView: [ $0.74 / hour ] Description: Given an image...
Title: Market Research Survey | PANDA Requester: James Billings [A3VTXG9MRA65HP] TurkerView: [ $1.57 / hour ] Description: Attempt to...
Title: Type the text from the images, carefully. Productivity and bonuses guaranteed. | PANDA Requester: CopyText Inc. [A1CKEISKSOZ5HD]...
Title: Machine Learning | PANDA Requester: Zehra Gulen Sarial [A1WNJZY7VVKL0Q] TurkerView: [ $1.26 / hour ] Description: Short study on...
Title: Provide answers about recommending music | PANDA Requester: Amazon Requester Inc. - RVD Team [A116XPE56JVGXQ] TurkerView: [ $14.15 /...
Separate names with a comma.