Title: Consolidate decision and Question-Answer pairs about a verbal noun [Group 3] | PANDA Requester: BIU NLP [A3UENPLNM9AQBK] TurkerView: [...
Title: Find out when an event happens based on a news report. | PANDA Requester: John Smith [A1AFURX40TIFMG] TurkerView: [ $4.14 / hour ]...
Title: Attitudes about Organizations(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Michael White [A1N07FK8GXA1WU] TurkerView: [ $16.94 / hour ]...
Title: Identify tag of image | PANDA Requester: TechMT [AFK4D4CMYRKVD] TurkerView: [ $6.86 / hour ] Description: Describe image Duration:...
Separate names with a comma.