Title: Assessment and Drinking | PANDA Requester: Kris Anderson [A2JF11P9253TTD] TurkerView: [ $27.36 / hour ] Description: Our research...
Published a new AHK tutorial (loops.) Most of the basics should be covered now -- but I might write a few more with some fun extra things you can...
Added a few more AHK tutorials (expressions and if statements.)
Title: Which Product Type Is The Most Relevant? | PANDA Requester: Victoria Reznyk [AHEOQ75N66IRM] TurkerView: [ $13.20 / hour ]...
https://www.mturkguide.com Mturk Guide is a website I created with the purpose of providing an in depth guide to help new Mechanical Turk workers...
Title: A Study of Decision-Making and Global Tiger Conservation | PANDA Requester: Louise Orr [A38VVCQXWA7YAR] TurkerView: [ $30.94 / hour ]...
Title: Giving us your opinion. You will be invited to read and answer questions on a survey.(~ 20 minutes) [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus...
Dr. Piers Howe [A1HLHHC4KIJB8I] Answer questions about sharing money - $2.00 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0;...
Title: AI for Cooking Competition [30 minutes - only one HIT] [ caret-down $minus | caret-up $minus ] PANDA Requester: Indie [A2RPDS38KYTTQY]...
New Requester Profile! NINDS.HCPS [A3HVSEB00IWSRU] study of motor learning using a sequence typing task - $2.50 | PANDA...
Elie Bursztein [A2UZFQTEYPSCS4] Categorize a human face - $0.06 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 10px 0; display: flex;...
Melissa Eggleston [A3BAVSWQZO6L1R] Show where you would try to do a task on a mobile app (< 3 min) - $0.60 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid...
Musicbed [A2X14MBUHKFBNH] Categorization Filtering for Film and Video Clips - Form 1 - $0.09 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent;...
Jake Weidman [A2WKMT6F080CN7] Searching with Autocomplete - Where do you think you will go? - $0.50 | PANDA style="border: 1px solid transparent;...
Separate names with a comma.