Title: Type the characters on the images | PANDA Requester: MLDataLabeler [A3OO8KUVWDSZPV] TurkerView: [ $15.73 / hour ] Description: Type...
Title: Data Science Topic & Relevant Articles Annotation | PANDA Requester: Rajiv Pratap [AAG8GIFBKJ6K8] TurkerView: [ $18.78 / hour ]...
Title: QC Transcript - Earn up to $0.17 per media minute qc'd | PANDA Requester: Crowdsurf Support [AKEBQYX32KM19] TurkerView: [ $2.72 / hour...
Title: Check whether the main property has a swimming pool. | PANDA Requester: Betterview [A2FXP0VAR74A6] TurkerView: [ $9.75 / hour ]...
Title: 5 minute attitudes & perceptions survey | PANDA Requester: Kim Chaney [A27A6WU2Q9AMO5] TurkerView: [ $2.65 / hour ] Description: 5...
Title: 1 Minute Survey | PANDA Requester: Blaine [A3R4QLY5NL1ZBM] TurkerView: [ $14.21 / hour ] Description: Answer a few short questions...
Title: Quick easy data collection on Congress!(~ 4 minutes) | PANDA Requester: Rachel Bernhard [A2U3CWU0L3TTJ9] TurkerView: [ $4.81 / hour ]...
Title: Type the text from the images, carefully. Productivity and bonuses guaranteed. | PANDA Requester: CopyText Inc. [A1CKEISKSOZ5HD]...
Title: Personality and Health - California Residents Only(~ 20 minutes) | PANDA Requester: psyml [A2CJKM8BERJ0XZ] TurkerView: [ $13.52 / hour...
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