I did a bunch of those image categorization hits for the MLdatalabeler/Benny person who has like four IDs. I've done a good number for him over the past couple of weeks and they approved very quickly. But the ones I did on 1/2-1/3 are just sitting there pending. Should I be worried? My biggest concern right now is that he is going to mass reject me. I've stopped doing his hits in the meantime.
I'm pretty sure that guy is safe but if you can't afford to take 150 rejects for a requester that you haven't done before while staying above 99% you shouldn't do that many hits.
Sorry, I'm very new at this. There's a lot I still don't know. The whole point of me doing that many hits is because at this stage it's A) pretty much all I can do, and B) I'm trying to get my count up. I won't do any more from him.
Thanks, this is good to know. I only became concerned because I had done around 100 for him just a few days prior and they were approved almost instantly. I guess that was not the norm for him.
I hadn't really done any before recently so can't speak to usual, but mine from 1/2 and 1/3 are pending. It looks like I've done around 20 in the past, all were approved and I remember wondering about the autoapprove on them myself at the time.
Actually my one from 1/1 just approved. So I'm just speculating here, but I would guess that it's set to 5 day auto approve and maybe the ones you had that approved faster were your first time doing them? They might have manually looked them over if you did a large number just to make sure you were on the level.
I've never had this guy reject me. He will dequal you first. I've also done a fair few of bad hits for him, accidentally.
Dunno if this'll help, but another requester is doing a similar thing with me: Dor Technologies. I actually called the corporate orifice and was told that it can take up to 30 days for their HITs that they approve to be processed by Amazon. I straight up told the chick I don't believe her, but I've yet to hear back from Amazon whether or not this is true. The cynic in me has now assumed this is true.
They're probably referring to the 30 day auto-approval. Amazon approves the hit for them if they try to take longer than that.