Workplace communication documenting is important in any workspace--because proof. I understand ToS. Is there an extension/script/tool which allows us to compile our emails we send to requesters? Also, what is the cause for the error from Turkerview that prompts not to worry because the email was delivered? An email compiler would be great if only to be able to aggregate a resource for MTurk-related comms, IMO. Regards.
I don't know of any tools that can help with compiling sent emails. Not a bad idea though. I'm not sure it would work all that well as proof due to the inherent power imbalance between requesters and workers, but I still think a log would be pretty handy. @ChrisTurk could probably explain the nature of the error that gives the prompt, but I've never had a problem with an email going through that I've sent from this site.
When you contact a requester through MTurk's site there are a bunch of extra details included. When you use a link building contact like TurkerView or MTS a lot of that data is left out and it causes MTurk to put that annoying message up even though the email is still delivered. TV just adds an extra sentence letting the user know it's fine to ignore. As far as tracking emails between requesters the original message is sent through Amazon's contact service and is stored in your account and you can look back at it. Everything else would be documented w/ your email service provider. I'm not sure what you'd be looking for out of an extension there but maybe I'm not understanding?
I didn't know that was something you could do. Also this was the first image when I opened giphy to get that image. It only logs the original message, afterwards it's all through your/requester email so obviously Amazon isn't privvy to the comms there.
1. This is life changing. Thank you, truly 2. I was getting an error, had to remove everything after the & - just in case anyone else sees this and runs into the same issue