I want to start by thanking everyone here who has posted guides, posts hits to daily threads, and built tools. You are all the greatest. I've been turking since just before the US thanksgiving holiday. I was going it on my own without reading any advice until early January. Needless to say, I didn't make much progress, I made all the noob mistakes including misreading directions on a batch and killing my accepted rate. So, read all the advice here, started ramping up on easy low paying batches to hit 500 accepted, then 1000 accepted. Well, today's milestones: passed 3,000 accepted. Had a $50PE day in about 4 hours work! (I have a day job so this is spare time nights and weekends.) I'm at 98.9% accepted and think I'll cross into the nirvana of the 99% zone later this week. I've still got so much to learn but again - especially about the tools and finding good hits from requesters I've done work for before but so much progress the last month. Thanks to you all!
Welcome to the site! FWIW, you'll end up with kind of good timing.. 99% probably doesn't make as big a difference (well, at least if you're @98.. 95 is a WAY different story) as the 5,000 milestone so if you hit both at the same time you'll be doing good lol.