I will post three HITs, one at 4:45PM, one at 6PM and one at 7:15PM Eastern Standard Time . The titles of the HITs will be ExpK_0229_1, ExpK_2_0229, and ExpK_3_0229. A few minutes before each I will re-post the title and ID of the HIT here. You will only be allowed to take one of the HITs. The first 10 players to enter each HIT will be allowed to enter the game. Details of the HIT are: Play a 10 player game for around 35 minutes - includes time for instructions and actual gameplay Base Pay is $3.50. Bonus payment up to an additional $10 USD. The average total payment (including Base Pay) is around $7, but can be anywhere between $3 and $13. Bonus payments only available if at least 10 players show. If after 10 minutes, enough players have not shown up, you will given the opportunity to exit for the $3.50 base pay. If interested, please take the test on the qualification HIT below. Input the password "MExpK_0229" and I will grant you the qualification (you can ignore the actual task in the qualification HIT). I will check for requests periodically, so it may take a few minutes. Details are below: HIT ID: 37ZQELHEQ0YP2EWJ6VWIPXHB3WZNMK HIT Title: ForumTest_Exp0229
Unfortunately, we did not reach 10 people. There was also an issue with collection of the base pay for waiting in the lobby. I will close the HIT and credit everyone the base pay + a bit extra (since there has been extra waiting).
Hi All, Due to the minor issues, I will be cancelling the remaining two HITs that were scheduled for later today. I will be back soon to run these HITs. To anyone who waited in the last HIT but wasn't able to collect the base pay, I am working on crediting you now. Apologies for the bug.
Hi All, It appears that to credit you, you must have completed work for me. I've posted a HIT titled ForumCrediting_Work_K. Just type in anything and submit the assignment and (as long your MTurk ID matches the list I have of those 10 who got stuck) I will credit you.
Hi All, Due to the minor issues, I will be cancelling the remaining two HITs that were scheduled for later today. I will be back soon to run these HITs. To anyone who waited in the last HIT but wasn't able to collect the base pay, I am working on crediting you now.