Researcher [A2E2KOT6WCAST0] Click test (with prescreen) - $0.75 | PANDA Fair Unrated Unrated $16.67 / hour 00:02:42 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: one minute ago) Qualifications: Total approved HITs >= 1; HIT approval rate (%) >= 90; Location EqualTo US; To read Researcher's full profile check out TurkerView!
AudioKite [A1ZEEGMU3YMZ6] Listen to a folk song and answer a survey about it. - $0.13 | PANDA Low Unrated Unrated $11.14 / hour 00:00:42 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: a second ago) Qualifications: Likes Folk Music >= 1; Location In CA, US; HIT approval rate (%) >= 95; To read AudioKite's full profile check out TurkerView!
SEO BrainTrust [A2YCKB6NJXL2AN] Select an interesting author quote from the provided article - $0.20 | PANDA Generous Unrated Unrated $24.00 / hour 00:00:30 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Expiring Soon (HIT Last Seen: 45 minutes ago) Qualifications: MTurk Writer Qualification > 70; Location EqualTo US; To read SEO BrainTrust's full profile check out TurkerView!
Felix Septianto [A1JUONSXJT5ESO] Consumer Evaluation Study - $0.45 | PANDA Generous Unrated Unrated $16.53 / hour 00:01:38 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Okay (HIT Last Seen: 23 minutes ago) Qualifications: Total approved HITs >= 100; HIT approval rate (%) >= 95; Location EqualTo US; To read Felix Septianto's full profile check out TurkerView!
PickFu [AI2HRFAYYSAW7] Rank 4 options, 1 written response - $0.30 | PANDA Good Unrated Unrated $12.56 / hour 00:01:26 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 2 seconds ago) Qualifications: Mobile Game Genre Strategy In 1; PickFu NDA EqualTo 1; Gender In 1; Age Range In 2, 3, 4, 5; TWL >= 10; Location EqualTo US; To read PickFu's full profile check out TurkerView!
New Requester Profile! Dainius [A37S2FNHXYCSP6] Check quantity discount - $0.30 | PANDA Generous Unrated Unrated $15.65 / hour 00:01:09 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 14 seconds ago) Qualifications: Total approved HITs > 50; Location EqualTo US; To read Dainius's full profile check out TurkerView!
Judy Qiu [A1EIQ8XEPZZMFX] Research study(~ 10 minutes) - $1.00 | PANDA Unrated Unrated Unrated $31.03 / hour 00:01:56 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: a second ago) Qualifications: SurveyGroup [5475] DoesNotExist ; Total approved HITs >= 100; TP Panel: 1205535333 N >= 100; Total approved HITs <= 50000; Exc: [575982887-318145] DoesNotExist ; a253c00c DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) >= 95; CR Research Group #1 >= 100; Location In US; To read Judy Qiu's full profile check out TurkerView!
New Requester Profile! Melanie Heck [A2P5Y7V1IG89HO] Rate emotions triggered by videos - $1.00 | PANDA Fair Unrated Unrated $9.52 / hour 00:06:18 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Okay (HIT Last Seen: 7 minutes ago) Qualifications: To read Melanie Heck's full profile check out TurkerView!
Title: Please do this quick study to help with our research! (~2.5 mins) | PANDA Requester: S@TR [A1VHA47ORXU6WR] TurkerView: [ $13.48 / hour ] Description: You will be trying out a short online interactive task. Duration: 11 Min Available: 1 Reward: $0.31 Qualifications: 80412233201bcb15666b2ac446860a99b1c3bf42 DoesNotExist Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500 28e404891412f4ae8b3df7ef706b4100906792ef DoesNotExist ab5c70a2a750f5b115e550db4b754b92dfd32213 NotIn 1, 2, 3 HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 96 Location EqualTo US 34ee50c9eacb4e076cedf82013242ddbbbff8013 NotIn 0 [379R4POZ57DUKKUS60X6SZLJT2LRXK]
James Graham [A2FIZMOPH3W9FO] Answer a survey about your preferences for Cowhide rugs - $0.50 | PANDA Fair Unrated Unrated $7.50 / hour 00:04:00 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 7 seconds ago) Qualifications: Online Purchase - Home & Garden EqualTo 1; Location EqualTo US; To read James Graham's full profile check out TurkerView!
Ben Peterson [AFEG4RKNBSL4T] Rate Dating Profile Photos of Men - $0.03 | PANDA Good Unrated Unrated $ / hour 00:00:10 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 2 seconds ago) Qualifications: Location In AU, CA, GB, IE, NZ, US; BP Group B EqualTo 9; BP Qual EqualTo 4; HIT approval rate (%) >= 95; Adult Content Qualification EqualTo 1; To read Ben Peterson's full profile check out TurkerView!
PickFu [AI2HRFAYYSAW7] Compare 2 options, 1 written response - $0.13 | PANDA Fair Unrated Unrated $7.93 / hour 00:00:59 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 4 seconds ago) Qualifications: PickFu NDA EqualTo 1; Gender In 2; TWL >= 10; Location EqualTo US; Amazon Prime Membership In 1; To read PickFu's full profile check out TurkerView!
Judy Qiu [A1EIQ8XEPZZMFX] Research study(~ 10 minutes) - $1.00 | PANDA Generous Unrated Unrated $36.00 / hour 00:01:40 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: a second ago) Qualifications: SurveyGroup [5475] DoesNotExist ; Total approved HITs >= 100; TP Panel: 1205535333 N >= 100; Total approved HITs <= 50000; Exc: [575982887-318145] DoesNotExist ; a253c00c DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) >= 95; CR Research Group #1 >= 100; Location In US; To read Judy Qiu's full profile check out TurkerView!
James Graham [A2FIZMOPH3W9FO] Answer a survey about your preferences for Cowhide rugs - $0.50 | PANDA Good Unrated Unrated $18.18 / hour 00:01:39 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 5 seconds ago) Qualifications: Online Purchase - Home & Garden EqualTo 1; Location EqualTo US; To read James Graham's full profile check out TurkerView!
PWL Uni Cologne [A24RSVTOZ30UMC] Academic study (~ 20 minutes, additional bonus) - $1.00 $3.50 bonus | PANDA Unrated Unrated Unrated $18.51 / hour 00:14:35 / completion time Pros: Cons: Repetitive button mashing task for 10 minutes. Pay is mostly a performance based bonus Catchability: Okay (HIT Last Seen: 22 minutes ago) Qualifications: takenacadmicstudy DoesNotExist ; Total approved HITs >= 50; HIT approval rate (%) >= 90; Location EqualTo US; To read PWL Uni Cologne's full profile check out TurkerView!
AB [A3QJUW45B4MUBO] A survey about movies(~ 5 minutes) - $0.50 | PANDA Unrated Unrated Unrated $14.06 / hour 00:02:08 / completion time Pros: Cons: Catchability: Great (HIT Last Seen: 3 seconds ago) Qualifications: Exc: [9885639-318233] DoesNotExist ; CR Research Group #2 DoesNotExist ; CR Research Group #1 >= 100; Location In US; To read AB's full profile check out TurkerView!