Confused, help please?

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by FLSAworker, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. FLSAworker

    FLSAworker New Turker

    I have been on mTurk for a while and have used the green, yellow and red indicators next to a HIT to see if they are worth doing or not.
    Recently, they no longer show the colors and instead have a message, "Pardon Our Dust. Unfortunately TurkerViewJS couldn't retrieve data from the server, this may happen occasionally as we move the API. Please consider checking the website to see the Requester profile!"
    I updated my API number and signed out/in.
    I admit to having very limited knowledge of mTurk or its workings beyond doing the HITS.
    Any help or advice is appreciated.
    Thank you
  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    What browser are you using? If you're on Chrome or Edge you can just use MTS and it has more updated integration than TVJS since it's meant to just absorb all of TVJS.

    Otherwise what you can do is hit F12 in any browser and there should be red error messages somewhere in the "console" tray - OR - more likely swapping over to network and F5'ing the HITs page will show a red failed connection to TV's API which should have info if you click on it.

    This is what it looks like (roughly, mine doesn't error out atm):

  3. FLSAworker

    FLSAworker New Turker

    I am using Chrome. Thanks Chris, I'll try that.
  4. FLSAworker

    FLSAworker New Turker

    I installed MTS, signed out and back in on mTurk and this is what I see now. The fourth symbol from the left (the circle with the arrow spins):

    Attached Files:

  5. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    The spinner is TO, nothing I can do about that, however it still looks like there isn't any TV data either?

    100% have something blocking the network connections, there's no way it can't retrieve data from EITHER service (one or the other would be understandable, not both).

    Best thing to do right now is to create a fresh Chrome profile and try adding MTS there and seeing if it can get the TV/TO data filled out.

    This will give you a "fresh" Chrome profile (it won't interfere with your existing one) so you can just install MTS and nothing else and see if the data loads. If it does you have something in your other profile (extension, script, some kind of blocker/noscript/privacy badger?) preventing MTS from functioning properly.

    If you make a new profile, install MTS, and the data still doesn't loading then something is suuuuuuuper wonky lol, and I'd try a different browser entirely (edge is easy to test in real quick) and see if it's system wide :eek:

    lmk if it's the browser profile or something bigger and I can def get next steps going.. usually it's the chrome profile though in cases where neither the userscript or mts can do anything and tv AND to are both not loading :s
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