I've been with Mturk since about 2016 (is there a way to look it up?). I used to post on this forum a lot back in the day. I've decided to try my hand at Mturk again. Hello!
I have wondered about this also, since I started long before I turked regularly. You can always look at your quals & see the earliest date, that gives an idea. Here is a good program that allows you to scrape & sort quals -https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458477-mturk-qualification-database-and-scraper
hey there! i've used it as far back as 2012 and was gone for years too. i cmoe back every several years or so hehe..I'm ancient!!
I'm in the same boat ... I turked daily back in 2015-16-17 then my normal business picked up, so didn't have the time or need. Now, normal business is DOA (and probably will be for the next year or so) so trying to get back into doing HITS. So much I've forgotten, so much new. Trying to sort through it all again, get all the scripts updated and running, etc.
Hello fellow Turkers. I am also returning after a 3 year hiatus. I'm a bit frustrated with MTS finder and catcher. I can't catch anything. Are any of you having the same issue? Oh, and by the way, when you click on your avatar it tells you the year you became a member on the forum.
I don't believe this forum existed when I last was an active Turker. I'm pretty sure I totally messed up on the years I was active, had to be more like 2012-14. I'll have to check my Amazon stats and figure out the years.
Has anyone else gotten suddenly blocked by C-SATs? I started working this morning after a hiatus to see my pandacrazy with huge chunks of pink, so they blocked me/added qualifications!!!! I don't understand, what did I do wrong???
I got an email from them. I caught too many too quick and a lot of mine were timing out but that's just how I run my pandacrazy plus being adhd/autistic I have NO sense of time/prioritization. (I do WELL on the stuff I finish though, it's kind of my thing. I have a 99.58% which isn't bad considering I'm not even risk-averse on my HIT choices) Plus I run other shite here from home and have a busy life. I wrote them an email telling them how ableist and gatekeep-y their algorithms are LOL. Jebeesus everyone's so damned demanding these days for such little in return.