[Please Help!] Shop By Interest gave me the qualification d4ixar4ad5f Excluded

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by maryshiturk, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    See my reply to your prior response for my comments about MDL.

    Some one said January is slow. Last week and this week it looks like my average weekly is dropping from $25 the two weeks prior to $10 for this and last week! Hopefully it picks up in February. But I also noted that the first two weeks I did a lot of surveys (60-75 each week) but for last week I did less than 40, and for this week less than 20!
  2. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker


    OK, but if you do look at the myRamblings You-Tube videos,
    there is some context you have to keep in mind.
    1. I am not a Veteran
    2. I am the son of a Vietnam War veteran (but even still, whatever was it was would be irrelevant)
    3. I never sought nor asked for special treatment because my dad is a veteran (I never considered it relevant)
    4. But I think as such (#1,2, &3) that when I worked for military facilities as a civilian, I did not have a "get mine" outlook, which I attribute my outlook on things to being the son of a war veteran.
  3. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker


    also, I think at that time there was a rumor circulating that I was an American Indian raised on a reservation in the ghetto of San Francisco while at the same time immigrating here from Russia! - go figure! (BTW, I would be fine being an American Indian, Russian, or raised in a ghetto, except none of those are true! - man I opened a can of worms mentioning my myRamblings You-Tube video - I'm going to go on hiatus for a week!
  4. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Supply is down because requesters have less work to post or have gone elsewhere, and demand is up because everyone is looking for ways to make a few extra pennies in this economy. Amazon's hands off approach also doesn't help and effectively tanked the platform. Connectivity issues, tighter controls on funding accounts, and allowing middleman companies like CloudResearch have pretty much gutted the requester pool. CloudResearch has a platform now called Connect. Most people have accounts over there and also at Prolific to diversify.
    • Love Love x 2
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
  5. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Panda's fire off in succession. If you have 2 panda's going set at 1000ms the program will send a panda every second in sequential order: e.g. panda 1 is sent the 1st second, panda 2 is sent the 2nd second, panda 1 is sent the 3rd second, etc.... The more pandas you have running the more gaps you have in between where literal seconds count, especially if you are trying to catch any rebounds.