"AA time is not available on the Worker website. Edit: And at this time, AA is not slated to be exposed on the Worker website ever." Why is that may I ask. I don't understand why Amazon doesn't tell you that in the first place w/o a script. You need to know if a batch you are working on will not even begin to approve for 2 weeks. You start a new job, the first thing you find out is what day, when you get paid, every week, every other week, etc. It's not a surprise or something you just have to work and wait and see when we decide we'll pay you.
totally agree sometimes I choose between 2 batches based on the AA assuming no huge hourly difference
I don't understand a couple of things. I thought Amazon did not put the AA in, it was shown to us through a script. Are you saying Amazon said we are not allowed to script that information? For us to get the info by use of a script, means the info is already there in the hit info somewhere, the requester did tell Amazon the AA. The requester has a right to let his CONTRACTED workers know the time frame to expect for approval and payment. And we as CONTRACTORS have a right to know the payment approval and payment time frame. Contractors don't just bid or accept jobs they have no idea of when they will be paid. So, I work all week but it turns out all my hits are on 30 day auto approval, so I get no pay for a month? And that takes the edge off for Requesters who pay fast to get their work done quickly. Now they might as well pay in 30 days if it gives them no benefit to pay sooner.
Just assume AA is 30 days for everything and you'll be good. AA isn't the "approval time" all of the time (not even most of the time). It's just the longest amount of time it takes for the HIT to approve by default, if the requester doesn't bother to manually review the HITs or write code that accepts/rejects based on some criteria. It's clear why Amazon doesn't want to expose AA anymore: They don't want workers to be able to game the system by doing bad work that they know will be approved automatically before the requester has a chance to review it. Although it always feels nice to have more information, but there's really no justification for letting workers know the AA time of a HIT. Besides that, if you had a script that highlighted the number of HITs you did that went to auto-approval, you'd probably find that the number is much lower than you thought. Just go by the "fast" rating on TO (or the equivalent rating with equivalent tools) to tell how long you should expect to wait for your payout. For new requesters with no TO/etc., just assume 30 days.
I do not see TO on worker, where is that located or are Requester reviews something else that is none of our business? But, it does make a difference knowing the AA, which is why the original script was created in the first place. And no, we do not assume everything will pay out in 30 days, unless you are rich, we need our money and sometimes Turk for rent or something we need in a few days or asap. Also, when trying out a new requester, you want to know when he'll approve so you can be sure your hits approve before doing a bunch and you don't want to wait a long time to see if they approve or not before doing more. But, sorry, this is not the place for discussion. We need a thread for that I guess. Clear radio button, Enhanced HIT Information Capsule (Shows Automatic Approval Time) ( this script did AA, contact Requester info and changes the requester name to a link that searches mturk for HITs by the requester. Which was a great script doing a number of cool things. No hit reloader Requester ID These are good scripts.
It shows up for me from MTS. TO is not regulated by Amazon in any way. It is user created like Turker view is. Daily thread is probably a better place to ask this kind of stuff as this thread is to request specific scripts to get updated. Send feedback about them not giving AA info directly to them on the worker site. The more people that do, with good reasons why we feel it is important, the better chance the will reconsider their stance on it.
There is a TO for worker. Clear radio isn't affected. I will be doing something for the link to search. What is the requester id script?
AA has been deliberately left behind in the migration to Worker based on feedback they received from workers and requesters. If you disagree send Mturk a message. Like, do you have a link to said script or??
Sorry- I see the TO on Chrome- was on FF. There are a few- the one I used was clickhappier's Requester ID & Auto Approval time (Formatted) https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6146-requester-id-auto-approval-time-formatted But there is just a plain Requester ID clickhappier did and one that Spamgirl did- clickhappier https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6145-general-requester-id spamgirl https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7439-requester-id
Kad, here is the link to the Enhanced Hit Info script- Changes the requester name to a link that searches mturk for HITs by the requester. Adds a link to the average Turkopticon ratings for that requester. Adds a contact link for the requester. Displays hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds in a human readable format. Maybe you could just not add the AA to it. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3...rmation-capsule-shows-automatic-approval-time and the Scroll to workplace- https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3105-mmmturkeybacon-scroll-to-workspace
@Sunlite reqid will be bundled with hit capsule, hit capsule and scroll to workspace are on this list.
If any of these could be added, it would be much appreciated(sorry if any are already addressed, replacement scripts reqs are welcomed): https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3103-mmmturkeybacon-queue-order-fix https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6157-discover-fake-availabilities https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10449-mmmturkeybacon-auto-reload-google-iframe-on-error
1. I feel like Worker defaults to least time for your queue. 2. Additional page requests are not worth it. 3. Unaffected by the change as it does not run on the www.mturk.com domain.