I cannot figure out for my life how the heck to add something from Overwatch to PC it goes to the worker site with no HIT ID or anything. How do you get a HIT ID from OW?
You can set it to use www links in the settings. If you use worker links you can still get the groupID. If you right click the accept link from OW and copy the link address you'll get a url that looks like this: https://worker.mturk.com//projects/3KAZLCS3F9ALRMAYYRWSFLQVGVFAPS/tasks/accept_random?ref=w_pl_prvw The groupID is between projects/ and /tasks
I can't say for sure, but I think @Ethraiel is working on it. Also I think there is a snippet of script out there I saw @LLL post that might help with that? *tags everyone*
If i remember correctly adding this "<br><small><b>GID -</b></small><small class ="offSet">${HO.GID} </small>" to line 174 will add the GID to the bottom of the alerts
Well crap!!! Now OW won't even open and I reset it but it will still not open even after I deleted the changes to line 174. UPDATE....Got it back up but I cannot get the code to work.
Holy cow, where to begin? Umm @Randomacts, @Ana* I didn't get the hit yet I have a panda going if you want to copy the source i'll look at the hit that way. @ most everyone else that's the old code for adding the GID @Ethraiel gave me some code for font changes but I have had time to add them yet. @Trickydude24 also wrote a few lines with the css commands last night to shrink the GID#. His would be the most universally easy plug and play. FYI if your adding my code you will end up with an extra space after (GID -)
Thanks for the tag @LLL! I'll copy and paste what I posted yesterday, for reference: That box with the detail HIT information is pretty narrow, making long text break the boundaries and look weird. You can modify the code a little bit so it's not so narrow. If you go up a few lines and FIND: Code: <div class="feedBox shadowIn"> REPLACE with: Code: <div class="feedBox shadowIn" style="width: 100%;"> --- To modify the font size better, take the code that @LLL shared above: Code: <br><small><b>GID -</b></small><small class ="offSet">${HO.GID} </small> REPLACE with: Code: <br><small><b>GID-</b></small><font style="font-size: 7px;">${HO.GID}</font> Feel free to change the font-size number as you like!