Hello, I got approved for the Requester Rowan Zellers Title Ask and answer questions about an image (V2). I want to know if someone can help me understand a little better on how to do these HITs. If anybody has gotten any good feedback or tips that can help me start doing them. Thank you, Christopher
You're best bet is to reread the instructions and possibly ask @rowan himself I'm sure he might be able to give you a pointer or two if the has the time.
He posted a few extra examples on yesterdays thread. Here they are. Edit: I tried copying the image over, but it's way too small. Sorry. Just search Rowan on Saturdays thread. There were a couple other posts worth reading as well.
oh cool! I have a thread now here's the image in more detail which might help in addition to the examples posted in each HIT. I'll try to post more examples either today or tomorrow morning also. In short, the main things I'm looking for are 1) asking a variety of questions, primarily about the people (what they're doing, what they might do next/have done previously, what might happen if the situation changes), with answers that seem reasonable given the image; and 2) providing a rationale: a detail in the image that justifies your answer, and/or a general rule of world knowledge (e.g. in a restaurant, people commonly sign the bill before leaving). The answers that I've seen have been pretty good so far! I've only de-qualed one person so far, and that was because they asked relatively simple questions with little variety (something like "why is [person1] smiling?" "they are happy" "people smile when they are happy" for several images). I noticed some people might have been misinterpreting the rationale (using that box to elaborate more on the answer + provide more information e.g. about what might happen afterwards, rather than justifying it), but I didn't dequal anyone for this let me know if that helps and if you have questions / feedback /etc
Hey thanks for this. I didnt want to do them wrong and lose my qual because of wrong or erroneous work. This helps me out much better. Thanks you!
@rowan thanks for the feedback and examples. One thing I am not clear on is the star system and bonuses. How does that work? I may have missed that information in my research. Thanks.