Super duper awesome, one of the most useful scripts to me. Thanks so much for updating, it works very well!
Thanks for the script. How long is it supposed to take to update? It seems to have frozen on 41%. If I go into the qual table it shows Total Quals: 1,200. If I sort by date assigned the newest is 10/04/2018 but I know I've gotten ones more recently than that so it seems its not updating completely for some reason, is the limit 1200 or something? I'm using Chrome with Tampermonkey btw. Thanks.
It shouldn't be getting stuck on any percentage for longer than about 10 seconds or so. If it gets stuck, check the console in the Chrome developer tools and see of there's an error. If not, there's a way to delete the database and refresh from scratch shown on the Greasyfork page. That's my first recommendation if you ever have problems with it.
Thanks. I got it to reach 100% eventually after several tries so not sure what was going on, it seems good to go now though. Appreciate it!
Got a quick question. Total Quals: 2,829 but if I scroll down to the end of the list it says Showing 1 to 750 of 750 entries. Same thing if I try to search for a qual, it only searches those 750. I've deleted the database and reupdated from scratch several times. Thanks.
"- Hides Redundant Quals in Sort Page ("Exc: - Inc:")" - GF Page. Your qual list is probably full of those exclude and include quals that get granted left and right; especially if you do a lot of surveys. You can manually search through the qualifications page to double check, but that's probably what's being hidden. For me, I have 1,654 total quals, and 711 showing. The rest of those are just junk we don't need to see.
Gotcha. I figured it might be something like that. Thing is there are a couple quals/requesters that I know I have the qual for that don't show up when I search for them, then I saw that it was saying 750 entries so I thought maybe it wasn't actually searching them all. For example I got a few from the requester Akin recently, and I have the Sergey Schmidt qual for deciding if a video is about a topic. But neither show up in search, or using ctrl-f either. So not sure whats going on.
Oh, for that, that's probably an MTurk issue that can't be solved on our end. There are instances where the qual won't actually show up on the site, so it can't even be scraped. To confirm that's the issue, you'd probably have to manually go to where it should be and check. If I'm not mistaken, qual names are sorted as [0-9, A-Z, a-z].
Please, can someone update me on this qual sorter. The install page says it helps one keeps track of quals. If I keep track of quals, how will it help me to earn more? I have been trying to get more quals to be qualified for more hits but am unsuccessful. Can this script help me get quals or just to keep track of existing ones? Thanks. The question is very important to me.