Can't see full list of HITs in review screen

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Support' started by KristiTurk, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. KristiTurk

    KristiTurk New Turker

    When I pull up Turkerview in mTurk to write a review, I only get one screen's worth of HITs. So usually the HIT I want to review is not available, as I do about 100 HITs a day. Is there any way around this? I got an unfair rejection yesterday and can't get to the HIT in order to write a review. It only displays the last 20 HITs I did for the day.
  2. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Top left is a dropdown for the day, you need to go back to yesterday for that HIT.
  3. KristiTurk

    KristiTurk New Turker

    Hi! Yes, there are 5 days to choose from in the drop-down box, but for each day there are only 20 HITs that appear on the main screen and it's just that one page, so I can't access most of the HITs I did. Usually I do about 100, so 80 of them don't appear at all.